off grid power

Beware of junk lithium batteries!

Beware of junk lithium batteries!

There are a gazillion options when it comes to purchasing LifePO4 (or any other Lithium-based) batteries. Some (maybe even MANY) of the options are so well priced that they are too good to be true. There are certainly good deals to be had, but if a deal is too good to be true it probably is.

Why is this?

Put simply there are great differences in the quality and build of batteries. There are different grades of cells that make up the batteries and of equal importance, there are so many options of battery management systems (BMS) that are of varying quality and functionality. So in a nutshell: Cells and BMS!

How to fix a stripped terminal on a LiFePO4 battery cell

How to fix a stripped terminal on a LiFePO4 battery cell

f you've ever worked with cheaper LiFePO4 battery cells, you'll know the concern of stripping the threads in the battery terminal. Well, I sadly had this very experience recently and after much research and thought about it, figured I could fix it and document the process to be able to help you, in case you ever find yourself in the same boat.